The route to a happy ending takes time, Post-AITSF, Kaname Date and what living at the intersection of five routes and four bodies does to a mf.

A better daughter, MIZUKI CHARACTER STUDY MIZUKI CHARACTER STUDY i love me daughter.

Throw Stones at Walls I'll Never Climb (Victim to the Sands of Time) In which Falco (pre-canon) and Date (post-canon) have a bad case of chronic bodyswap

I will be my own hell, An incredible pre-canon Date character study.

AINI spoilers

Not Her, A look into the Anihilation route, with the now added knowledge that Boss had a daughter.

Hopeless endeavor, A Date character study, love me a man with an identity crisis whose loved ones keep dying on him.

What's it to him, anyway? The fic that got me shipping Bibi/Ryuki, and yes, they still hate each other.

Imposter roundabount, Bibi & Mizuki sisterly bonding.

[You] and [I] A Jin Furue character study.

Beyond the Seams, A conversation between the Frayer and Tokiko; why did the Frayer create these seams? Why did we create these seams?

Krustallos, Bibi character study my beloved.

As the world caves in (IT'S YOU THAT I LIE WITH) AI-balls character studies!

Enl{AI}ghtenment: the best of all possible worlds THIS FIC THIS FIC THIS FIC if you have to read just one fic on this list I am BEGGING you to read this one. Ryuki character study set in the diverge route. It fucks it fucks SO hard.

邯サ縺ウ縺ョ遨エ, Mizuki falling in the space between the warp and weft.

Also not technically a fic rec, but I so want to tell folks that this fandom has a
