Your name is ESTEBAN. For as long as you can remember, you have been living in BARCELONA, a city that is probably wonderful for anyone who isn't you. Unfortunately, it is currently populated by batshit insane people who have convinced themselves that you're SOME KIND OF DEMIGOD, and thus keep hauling you as high as humanly possible anytime they sunlight with no regards for your debilitating acrophobia. Everyone here absolutely sucks, the one man who has ever treated you with decency just died, and you are so profoundly alone. And then a man comes up to you proclaiming to have known your father, assuring you that he can help you find your way towards him- for a small price.

Your name is ZIA. You have been TORN AWAY from everything you have ever known, your lands, your family, your culture, all to satisfy the sick curiosity of some white woman in a crown. Years later you're being KIDNAPPED AGAIN, once more by some white guy hungry for gold, this time to head back to your home. You honestly wish they would all choke and you'd rather drown than betray your own people, but since you're being brought back to the right continent, you might actually be able to find the people you've lost once more.

Your name is TAO. You live ALONE on your vast island. You have been alone for a VERY LONG TIME. For years the only thing you've had keeping you going has been stories and records of your people, of which you are the last one. You dream of one day going out and unearthing more of your roots, but you have yet to figure out how to leave the island. Until one day five strangers wash upon your shore, holding a medallion of familiar imagery, and your gears start turning.