A thing that really Gets Me about Trucy is that she has a level of awareness that is outstanding by ace attorney standards.

It’s a recurring theme through aj that Trucy Knows Shit; in that second case she’s the one to take Apollo apart to tell him “listen this bitch is lying i KNOW he’s lying crack him open like an egg” (there’s probably something to be said about Trucy being a better mentor to Apollo than Phoenix himself, but that’s a rant for another post.) In turnabout serenade she figures out Lamiroir’s “magic trick” super easily. She regularly mentions how “getting what you want from Ema is easy, flattery will get you anywhere with her.” She’s an incredibly perceptive kid. Gramarye blood and magician training and all. Trucy notices shit. That’s her gist.

And it’s especially apparent during that last trial. Usually, when aa brings up cases from years ago that changed the entire legal system or whatever, there’s always memory fuckery going on. Probably dark secrets, forgeries and twin switcheroos too. I’m talking Edgeworth sincerely not knowing whether he shot Gregory or not. I’m talking Maya being unaware that Elise was her mother. I’m talking whatever the fuck was up with Gant’s case and its three layers of twists.

Trucy though! Trucy does remember what happened seven years ago! She remembers uncle Valent! She remembers her first father! She knows Shadi Enigmar is also Shadi Smith!

It’s unclear of how much she knows/when she figures some of this shit, but either way it’s clear that she knows at least slightly more than the average aa character. And it fucks me up. Because it means that Trucy probably caught up earlier than most than this last trial of theirs could only end in blood. Klavier, Apollo, they all had at least the possibility to think “well maybe it won’t be so bad, maybe this case will be simple and we will all get to go home safe and not deeply traumatized.” Trucy though must have realized way sooner that this courthouse was but the stage for a greek tragedy, and she had no choice but to watch it happen.