Thinking about the possibility of Guda being face blind re: servants and sorely identifying them based on their saint graph. It’s not something they can really put into words, but it’s like each saint graph has its own weight, and shape, and colors, and movement, something so much more distinctive than a face or a voice that Guda inevitably falls back to that bond tugging at their Command Seals anytime a servant they already know shows up.

Which is how they can tell saberfaces apart! Some say they look the same, and, yeah, sure, maybe, but the colors of their contracts with Guda are different. Which is how Guda recognized Okitalter as Okita, even though the two have as much in common as literally any other saberface. They have the same weight on Guda’s soul!

In Shimousa or at Kogetsukan, the game renders it as “servant sprites for people who don’t look like the servants,” but actually Guda can see their faces just fine, but since they don’t know what their servants’ faces actually look like, the next best thing they've got is “well it's not someone whose face I do know so it's not one of the Chaldea staff. So it's a servant. They have Kyohime's manneurisms and speech pattern so that must be her... right?"