I know it’s a gameplay thing but. God. It fucking murders me. How in lostbelts 1 to 3 you can summon servants, but just long enough for battles.
Does it strain Guda? Does supporting so many servat without Chaldea to back them up exhaust them? Is it as painful to support their servants as it is to physically get into the fight?
That’s not even what I was going for. Originally I was just thinking about these few seconds, as the battle ends, these few seconds before the servants fully dematerialize. Do they turn to face their master? Do they reach out for them with their crumbling hands? Do they even know why they were summoned? They must know there is trouble, of course, they must know there is danger. But do they know the details? Or are they forced to show up and see their master more and more battered every time without even knowing what happened to Chaldea?
Do they cry out, as they disappear? Do they trey to yell some last words to their beloved? Don’t die. I love you. I’m sorry. It’s not your fault. Survive this. I believe in you.