You know what. Fuck it. Richard avenger fanservant.
In Orlando Furioso, he’s introduced as Bradamante’s twin. Since fgo decided to make Bradamante the genki girl, it’d be a really cool contrast to have Richard as the “FUCK Charlemagne my dude” guy.
He looks like a proper knight, save for the noose hanging around his neck.
He’s a 1 star bronze servant, cuz he’s kinda obscure as far as carolingian tales go.
His main weapon is a gun because Ariosto (dude who wrote Orlando Furioso) really hated guns and it’s his way of rebelling against his narrative.
His noble phantasm is the noose I mentioned previously, which is the rope Charlie used when he tried to hang Richard. It does extra damages to servants with the “king” attribute.
In his tale, his father sided with Charlemagne to kill Richard & co, so he probably has an incredibly bitter voice line @ bradamante like “she picked her side. there’s nothing more to say.”
Reacts really badly to royalty & paladins of charlemagne in general tbh.”