Grgmrgmrgmr thinking about. Guda’s age. Guda's age has always been kept vague, but recent interludes + valentines + events often bring up that Guda themself might not know how old they are anymore (first exemple I can think of is the Arcade event where Sétanta outright tells Guda "well my good bitch you look young but you very much aren't arencha.") Guda was certainly born a set amount of years ago but how long they have actually lived probably differ by virtue of “being outside of time for a while” and “being thrown in the far past a couple times” and “hanging in other worlds with their own ways to count time.” And they have no way to know how long that actually is! How long is a week in an India that keeps resetting? How long is a day in a blank world where the sun never sets? How long is an hour in a Greece that still holds its gods? The best they can come up with is “it has been five new years since we started this” and even then it’s something approximate. How old are you? Well they were certainly born at some point. How old are you? Older than they were when they came to Chaldea, that’s for sure! How old are you? How old are you? How old are you?

(They do not know. There are many things Guda has forgotten about who they are as a person.)

Anyways. Love my bitch Guda who got hired by Chaldea at age 18 and was fired two years later at age 35.