Well this post has the potential to be very funny in a few years. But anyways. The guda swap theory is a theory which, as far as I’m aware, has started on jp twitter and which I have been snorting everyday since. MASSIVE spoilers for traum, lb7 and ordeal call ahead.

Okay so if you’re caught up with fgo jp, you know the reason why the Earth was bleached: our earth was swapped with the earth from 100 years in the future. When Sion explains the process to us, the exemple she uses is “if two people were identical and you swapped them, the world would not know the difference. Hell, the people involved might not even be aware that they have been swapped.”

Now that sure is a very specific exemple to pick. Especially considering Traum had an entire subplot of “hey if you had no way to know for sure if you are truly [you] would that be fucked up or what.” Double especially considering one of the star servants of Traum is Xu Fu, a character who noticeably made her debuts in an event that had two different Gudas running around. I am certain this will never be relevant again.

On a completely unrelated note, you know who else shows up in Traum? Specimen E! Our good friend E! Here’s what we know about E:

  • They are a human being (confirmed by Sion in Ordeal Call)
  • They have Complicated feelings on humanity (as evidenced by all the servants in Traum going buckwild over the concept of humanity)
  • They had ongoing contracts with a fuckton of servants. Granted they were powered by an even bigger amount of ghosts but that’s still important to point out considering most of the mages we run into have trouble with even just one servant.

    Now that’s funny. I could swear I knew just another character who was human, had some complicated feelings on humanity, and had the ability to maintain multiple contracts with an ungodly amount of servants. Btw for no reason in particular Kadoc says that "[Specimen E] must have been someone like you, a nameless nobody who was saddled with mankind's future."

    By the way, do you remember the Lostroom OAV? Specifically this bit where Gudao is talking to Galahad, while standing on the bleached earth, and then with no explanation whatsoever Gudao is suddenly like twenty feet in the air falling on the bleached earth? It could be a metaphor for all the tumultuous emotions Gudao is feeling at that moment. It could also be very literally Gudao falling on the bleached earth. I sure wonder what circumstances could lead to Guda falling on a different earth altogether.

    I am just saying. Wouldn’t it be funny. Wouldn’t it just be fucking hilarious.