NA localized Castoria’s line about Artoria as “I don’t see myself in her” so I’m guessing it’s a japanese expression or something, but man. The original TL implying that Castoria can’t see Artoria at all is so juicy. When you refuse to bring Excalibur into this world to save this poor girl who never got to be a person, and by doing so you’re essentially denying King Arthur’s existence and therefore cannot see her at all, bottom text. "After all I'm the only one who can save that girl" indeed.

Anyways, always remember: Artoria is the name of the sword. King Arthur's real name is Saber. (Aka Artoria is the name of the girl who forsake her humanity for her ideal, Saber is the name of the one who learned how to be a person. Also Artoria is literally Excalibur's name while Saber is what King Arthur is consistently refered to as. Lmao.