I want Guda to die at the end of fgo. Obviously. Guda has been tripping up SO many death flags so far, they're a Saber they're like Castoria like Oberon the only end in sight is a horrible death no one will even remember. Mash saved them at the end of part 1 but they're sure to be the one to die at the end of fgo proper. They're a tragic hero the only thing they can do is die. I'm imagining it as Guda is gonna trying themself to save the world, and the dialogue options being [Don’t do it] [Don’t do it] and [Don’t do it,] but none of them will change the fact that Guda will choose sacrifice anyways because that is not your story. That is not your choice to make. It’s theirs, and this is what they must do.

But I'd also be winning mad tits if Guda did try to sacrifice themselves but all the people they’ve met through the lostbelts showed up to save them like what are you fucking DOING. It’s too late for us our worlds are long gone but you have already given so much it’s about fucking time you get something back. You are GOING to live through this you are GOING to live with this and this may not be a mercy but on fucking god we will make it happen.

Of course there's also the secret third option of them not quite dying but like… being unable to exist in the main timeline. The world is restored as far as everyone can tell they’re dead but if by chance you end up in a singularity or a lostbelt or anything outside of time you can find them. They’ve become Unstuck from time and that means they can no longer exist in a linear world but anywhere else is fair game. They’re in babylonia they’re in France they’re in space they’re chilling at the beach they’re alive and fine they’re just not alive enough to be in the main timeline before the world correcting itself as “no. You are dead. You cannot exist here.” Somewhere, somewhen, Shiki Tohno takes off his glasses for fives seconds, and in the cracks of the world he catches a glimpse of a person.

Yet another option is to have Guda die at the end of fgo AND Guda summonable as a chaldea servant. Take me back to the beginning. Maybe I will be able to change something. Maybe it will be better this time. But you will always die in this place. You will always come back to this place. Every day you fight to go back to a home you know you will never reach, because your end has already been written and it stares back at you from the other side of the hallway everyday. You are a ghost haunting the same place over and over, whether you are alive or dead. But you must reach for that star, you know? Even if you can never touch it, you must reach out for it.