I think if you introduce Morgan to any sort of kink or toy you would have to give her 2-3 business days before actually getting any sort of sexytimes because she 1) react to most new things by studying them and 2) is an overachiever. You drop a bdsm for beginner kit at her door and a week later she comes back like “I have taken apart and studied the inner workings of the Prostate Blaster 3000… I believe I have identified how to reproduce such stimulation through magic. I have also gone ahead and studied the physical sensations they produce, alternative means to produce them, as well as what people would find pleasurable in that. I thank you, this was the most fascinating.”

Morgan literally cannot do vanilla sex. If she could she’d get bored like fifteen minutes in to her it’s just flesh and skin there’s nothing sexy about it. However any attempt at vanilla sex gets often course corrected by the fact that she has 200 point in her domme stat so even if that’s not what she initially intended if she sees a single opportunity for it she will end up taking the lead and making it a bit kinky.